2020-2021@F28WP Group Public Information

Ice and Fire

This is an infinite 2D adventure game, controls players by mouse to jump up and down, avoid hellfire, contact the platform. Improve your score limit by picking up ice flowers to buy items or new skins. Constantly breaking through and challenging yourselves.



Dear friends πŸ˜„ wish to have a 3-click on the right side Watch πŸ‘€ Star ⭐ Fork 🍴 support it


The main page of the gameavatar

The game is in progressavatar

Group memberπŸ›

@Rqcker Junhao, @excailbur8 and @YuxunSun123

❓Step help

If you want to play this game, you need to first download Mongoose free-6.9(in our warehouse). After that download the game ontology, unzip the game ontology to the same folder with Mongoose. Then open the folder to run Mongoose. Open the game file game in Mongoose. At last you can enjoy the game. (This is a completely open source game that you can change through JavaScript editors or other editors)
This is a demonstration guide video for compiling the source code using the editor:
❓Demo Video
Hope it can help !

Another way

If you do not want to download the software. This is the online site of our project, you can experience the game directly online. Link:OurWebsite

Online Game πŸ³οΈβ€πŸŒˆ

Ice and Fire⭐⭐⭐